Boodler: The boodle-event Reference Manual

The boodle-event script sends event messages to a listening Boodler process.

boodle-event [--hostname host] [--port port] evname [ evdata ... ]

Some soundscapes can receive events, or messages, sent by other programs. The boodler script listens on a network socket for these messages if you give the --listen argument. (If you do not, Boodler does not listen for events, and event-receiving agents will not work. This is the default behavior for reasons of security paranoia.)

boodle-event go

This sends a simple message, go, to a listening Boodler process -- by default, on the same machine. To send a message to a different machine, you would say:

boodle-event --hostname go

You can also send a more complex message, with several words:

boodle-event go 5.47 cheese

The effect of an event depends on what agent has been posted to receive it. For examples of soundscapes that receive events, see the org.boodler.listen package.


--hostname host
Specify the machine to send the event to. By default, the event goes to the same machine that boodle-event runs on.
--port port/pipe
Send to the given port number (instead of the default port 31863). The port may also be an absolute pathname (beginning with "/"), in which case Boodler uses a Unix domain socket (on the same machine) instead of a network socket.

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